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Wish List


Donations toward future or current veterinarian bills please contact:

Eastern Equine Associates



Donations toward the horses' food bill please contact:

Free Spirit Ranch

Tammy Dail

PO Box 133

Stonewall NC, 28583



For the horses

- Wormers (Quest plus, Ivermcetin, Safe Guard, Panacur)

- ANY Senior Feed 

- Alfalfa/Timothy pellets or cubes

- Salt blocks (big or small)

- Treats

-  Vet Wrap

-  Triple antibiotic ointment

-  Vetracin

-  Equine probiotics

-  Equine electrolytes

-  Lead ropes

-  Rope halters

-  Breakaway halters

-  Fly spray

-  Swat fly ointment

-  Horse liniment

-  Hoof picks w brush 

-  Horse brushes and combs

-  U/V rated fly masks

-  Horse shampoo


For the barns

-  Scotch guard (anything that will safely weather proof horse blankets etc.)

-  Horse bedding

-  Manure forks

-  Manure shovels

-  Rakes (leaf and metal)

-  Whisk Brooms

-  Wheel barrow (New or used)

-  5 gallon flat backed buckets

-  1 gallon flat back buckets(for mixing feed)

-  60 ft round pen new or used


*We have a barn that needs a new roof. If you would like to donate to that project, please reach out to Sharon 


For the pastures

-  No climb horse fence

-  Field (cow) fence

-  12 gauge Electric fence

-  6ft green T posts

-  High joule fence charger (solar or electric)

-  Grass seed (Rye for winter seeding and endophyte free fescue for over seeding in the spring)


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